Standard Poodle Stud Service in Texas. My Standard Poodles have every good blood lines and both are AKC registered. They both are 7 years old and are family pets. We accept Labs and Golden Retrievers. If you are interested please call.
Corey Hoffman 651-253-8124

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My Standard Poodles and I, In Minnesota.


I am just droping another line about my standard poodles. When I got home today Casper was being really laod, when I let him out he ran to the back door and started barking again. I let him out ant he ran off of the deck fast, he must of had to go really bad. I am glad that he waited until I got home. He has left me a suprise in his kennal before that was not a nice welcome home suprise either.

My two stud poodles here in minnesota and I laid on the dinner room floor for a while and wreslted for a while. My wife and I are going to take our poodles running tonight.

I will post a few pictures of my two standard poodles in minnesota soon.

Corey Hoffman